
Kamden Wade Update

I wrote this almost two months ago...it was waiting for pictures...I'm a slacker...but it still needs to be posted!

This update has been long overdue and probably should have happened twice before now but life has been a little crazy lately and I have a lot to catch up on in more areas of life than just blogging! However, I need to record some things about this fun little boy of ours!

Kamden is now 21 months old! It's hard to believe I will have a two year old in three months but the daily fits remind me pretty quickly, most days! Even with all of the fits this independent boy of mind throws he is such a bundle of joy and fun we would never trade him in a instant!

Kamden weighed 29 pounds at his last doctors appointment (last week for a rash), gaining two pounds since an appointment he had 1 1/2 months ago. At that point he was in the 75th percentile for weight and the 5th percentile for height! (I'm sorry Kamden but you don't have much hope for height in this family!) Overall, Kamden has not had any major health problems but let me tell you the past year he has been sick more times than I can remember or count. He's had the flu,  numerous colds, staph infection, viral infections, rashes, fevers, croup, RSV, and I don't remember what else. Even with all the sickness he has had to put up with he is one very energetic little boy.

There are two speeds for this boy most of the time, sleeping or running. He loves an energetic, playful atmosphere surrounding him and he is in his element when he is outside. Most recently he has taken on a love for being sprayed by the hose at the new house we are living in. I really need to hook up the sprinkler and just let him have a hay day! He loves going to the park and sliding down the slides. I enter panic mode whenever we go to the park though because that child is fearless trying to follow in the footsteps of the kids bigger than him.

While he is full of energy and doesn't stop much you can usually find this little boy taking a few seconds out of the day to offer someone snuggles, kisses, or smiles. He can be either more than friendly with people or he gets downright shy sometimes. Strangers make him uneasy now and he usually sticks pretty close in this situation until he gets used to them. However, when he gets used to them he opens right up! I marvel at how he can brighten up anyone's day! Most recently, when we would go into my midwive's office for appointment with Kaliana's pregnancy, Kamden would wow all the ladies, especially the receptionist. This dear lady seems to be more of the type that doesn't like to spend the time to converse at work. She does her job and she has never been rude but she isn't usually very friendly either. I noticed this during Kamden's pregnancy but when Kamden started going into the appointments with me for Kaliana he won her over like ice cream on a hot day! Soon he had her wrapped around his little pinky finger and they would play cars together any time we checked in or made appointments, smiling at her and waving whenever we came in and left. 

Kamden loves to share with others. Sometimes he is most definitely a two year old wants things to be his but my heart melts at least once a day when this little boy shares his snacks or toys with others. This happens most often at church it seems because it is more of a social situation. Speaking of church, Kamden loves nursery. He has never had a hard time going in and always has a good time playing. We have heard from every single one of the nursery leaders how good he is, saying, "If they were all as easy as him, we wouldn't need to be here!" and "He's always so good natured, never cries, and just brushes it off if he falls or has a problem!".

Some of Kamden's favorite foods right now are bread, applesauce, fruit of all kinds (especially bananas, strawberries, and cantaloupe), and cheese. He also takes after me and has a sweet tooth which we are trying to currently break him of a little more. He is still a good eater but sometimes has an aversion to foods that are mixed together. 

He has learned a few things in sing language, including, please, thank you, more, and all done. His vocabulary is growing as well. Some of the words we have heard him say so far are mama, daddy, please, bubble (my favorite), ball, shoe, sock, all gone, and others I can't remember.

Kamden is such a helper. He helps with his little sister by handing us diapers and wipes, bouncing her in the swing and making sure her pacifier is nearby. He always helps us throw things in the garbage. When I'm cleaning he tries to sweep and mop like me or when we are working outside he likes to help pick weeds and dig in the dirt! 

Some of Kamden's favorite toys right now are his cars, balls, books, and stuffed animals. Kamden loves blankets and still loves Cooper, his trusty stuffed dog!

He is an active kid who hits his head on something at least once a day if not more and many times includes "bonking" other body parts against hard surfaces! He's tough and shakes it off a lot but he does like it (and so do I) when I kiss it better.

We just couldn't imagine life without this kid. It would be way too boring!


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