
Kaliana Brooklyn: 3 Months

Little sister joined our family 3 months ago! With Kamden I remember thinking that it was so hard to believe he was already 3 months old. I find myself thinking completely different this time around. I feel like it has been an eternity since I had this little girl already. I don't know why that is exactly but 3 months seems like 6 months this time around.

The little beauty is strong just like her brother. She has been holding her head up since she was a newborn, she locks her knees to stand, smiles, eats great, loves to be held, cries if she is put down and not asleep.

Unfortunately, she had thrush and it has started to come back a couple times but I have a great pro-biotic supplement and essential oil from my mother-in-law that kicks it in the butt and keeps it away. Despite the thrush Kali has done great with nursing, which I am very happy about it. Compared to her brother it's a night and day difference and I am happy to be nursing still. I was so sad to stop nursing Kamden at 3 months old. I have to stay away from milk and too much dairy but as long as I do she's okay!

Once again, I am lucky that Kali is sleeping through the night and has been for the last month! I am so grateful for the sleep at night because let's be honest I get grumpy when I get woken up in the middle of the night.

She is definitely a momma's girl. I secretly love this even though sometimes it's hard to get a break and I never really felt like Kamden was attached to me like Kali is. 

We love her even if she can be a little spit-fire. She will probably need this when she is older to deal with being Kamden's little sister! We sure love her!

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