
The Hair Cut

I've been wanting to cut my hair for awhile and secretly, deep down inside I've wanted to go short for a long time but I've never got up the courage to chop it all off. In first grad I got a hair cut, a mushroom cut, and I'm pretty sure that was the only motivation I needed to never cut my hair short again! Haha...Seriously, I've been terrified ever since. The shortest I have  gone it just below my shoulders and this time I was determined to go above the shoulders. Haylee (the friend who did it for me) asked if I wanted to go longer first and then cut it but I told her, "No, just cut it, otherwise I'll whimp out!" She cut at least 10" off and I can even donate it so I figure it's worth it!

Enough talking, let's make a reveal!

The before was taken a couple weeks earlier but it gives the general idea of how long my hair was. You can't see the long hair too great but I don't take very many pictures of myself, especially when I'm pregnant so a two week span is pretty darn good, I'd say!

I'm both nervous and excited to try new styles but I think short hair will be a good thing for awhile, plus it feels so much healthier!

Just for record sake as well, in that picture taken yesterday I was 29 weeks pregnant with our little girl. Do I look huge, I feel huge! :-)