
16 Months

Kamden Wade is 16 months already and it's about time I get an update on here! While his dad and I were working on updating his baby book as part of FHE yesterday we were flooded with memories and couldn't believe he used to be the tiny baby in those pictures!

This little boy is growing up so fast (I know every mother say's that) and I'm convinced he's not going to stop any time soon! On Saturday morning we were snuggling that little guy in our bed while he drank his morning bottle of milk and it's those little moments we have to soak in. Nathan said something about not getting to snuggle him anymore and I said he would have another to snuggle soon, which is also hard to believe that Kamden won't be our baby anymore, he will be the big brother!

While he is definitely a boy on the run, he has a bit of a sensitive side that I cherish. He doesn't like to give out kisses but at the same time if we say, "kisses" that big boy of mine cocks his head towards us and waits patiently while we shower him with kisses. And when we tell him we need snuggles he lays his little head down on our lap, our shoulder, or chest and although sometimes short, snuggles into that spot for a moment! Every once in a while we even get lucky and he will just start to give them out freely without any prompting and that's my favorite!

Lately, this winter season his immune system hasn't caught up as well and so he's been sick a little more. He's had ear infections, colds, RSV, and a staph infection, which looks like is all starting to clear up, happily! Though, I hate to see the little guy sick I am grateful that I get to be his momma and cuddle him in times of need.

His little mouth has also been growing teeth like crazy. He now has 8 teeth and for not starting to get teeth until almost 14 months old that's pretty good. It also helps to explain why he has been so darn sick and it's true, grumpy, lately. There have been many days in the past two months where I have asked where my happy little guy went but this last week, that happy little boy is starting to reemerge and it makes me ever so happy to see that smile and hear that giggle more often!

Kamden's favorite as of lately is of course, Cooper, his stuffed dog. That little dog goes everywhere with him! There isn't a little boy in the world who could love that dog more but at the same time he has to put up with some pretty tough love sometimes. We've found him in every garbage can in the house and he's been dragged about by the tail, the collar, or the ear more times than we can count. Yet, Kamden knows and loves that little dog and Cooper sure makes a good snuggle buddy when they are all tucked in at night!

The little dog in his hands is the Cooper we speak of!

Some of Kamden's other favorites are his cars, his stuffed puppets, his new CAT dump truck, his Toy Story four-wheeler, and his books, especially his foam shape books! Those books haven't stayed on the shelf a full day!

Our little boy is becoming quite the helper and he is learning to pick up after himself really well. Sometimes it doesn't go so well and we go through the process of explaining 20 times over in one sitting but he will still usually do it, even if it takes some convincing or a little discipline. Most the time though if we ask him to pick up his toys or something he's dropped and left on the floor he just does it for us!

I really got lucky when Heavenly Father sent this little boy to our family! He was just what I needed and continues to teach, love, and forgive me every day! I'm a very blessed Mamma!

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